07 Jun Are Your Breast Implants Too Close Together? Treating Symmastia
How To Correct Symmastia
After breast augmentation surgery, a rare and serious complication can occur called symmastia. The condition occurs when the implants are placed too close together, resulting in a unified appearance of the breasts. Symmastia can be aesthetically unappealing and can also cause discomfort and pain. Although some post-operative precautions can reduce the risk of developing symmastia, some cases may require revision surgery.
Improper placement
A common cause of symmastia is improper implant placement, which can happen if the surgeon does not take into account the individual anatomy of the patient or if the wrong type of implant is used. Additionally, symmastia can occur due to a history of previous breast surgery, such as a breast lift or reduction.
Should you be worried?
Symptoms of symmastia include a fused appearance of the breasts, discomfort or pain, and difficulty finding clothing that fits properly. Some women may also experience trouble since the implants can interfere with the proper positioning of the baby. Other symptoms include inflammation, infection, and wrinkling of the skin in the cleavage area.
Separating the breasts
Individuals who have symmastia should seek treatment as soon as possible. Treatment options include revision surgery to correct the implant placement, using a breast band or compression garment to help separate the implants, and in some cases, removing the implants.
Going back under the knife
Revision surgery is the most common treatment for symmastia. During the procedure, the surgeon will reposition the implants to correct the unified appearance. The procedure may involve moving the implant pockets or using different types of implants. Sometimes, the surgeon may also need to remove some breast tissue to create more separation between the implants.
A band to separate
Another treatment option for symmastia is using a breast band or compression garment. This can help to separate the implants and give the appearance of 2 distinct breasts. The band or garment is worn for a period of time following surgery to help the implants settle into the new position.
The last resort
In some cases, the best treatment for symmastia may be the removal of the implants. The removal process is typically only done in severe cases where the implants are causing significant discomfort or pain.
Choosing an experienced surgeon
A critical aspect of a successful breast implant surgery is choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. A well-trained surgeon will have a deep understanding of the anatomy of the breast, be able to create natural-looking and symmetrical results, and significantly reduce the risk of complications. With the right doctor, symmastia is very unlikely to occur.
Feel better in no time
Symmastia is a serious condition requiring treatment as soon as possible. Treatment options include revision surgery, using a breast band or compression garment, and in some cases, removing the implants. With proper treatment and good post-operative care, patients can achieve the desired look without any complications.