The natural aging process, negative effects of gravity, and the excessive movement we display in our foreheads can often times cause our forehead to droop, develop frown lines and wrinkles, and diminish elasticity across our brows. In addition, aging often causes the skin on the upper eyelids to sag, giving eyes a tired or sad appearance. Double Board-Certified in both Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery, Dr. John Park finds that the brow lift, also known as the forehead lift, is a great way to rejuvenate the upper face, making improvements not only in your forehead and in-between your eyes, but also in helping your eyes to appear more refreshed and open.
The position and shape of the brows are dynamic and are an important way we project emotion. Downward slanting eyebrows suggest sadness or fatigue, V-shaped eyebrows project an impression of anger, and very high eyebrows suggest surprise. In some instances, you may subconsciously be raising your eyebrows, aggravating the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead.
The brow lift is a great way to rejuvenate the upper face. Minimally invasive endoscopic brow lift is a procedure in which small incisions are inconspicuously placed well behind the hairline; thus, the scar is hidden. The endoscopic brow lift restores the eyebrows to a more youthful position and softens wrinkles in the forehead and frown lines between the eyebrows. In addition, the brow lift improves skin hooding over the upper eyelid.
Endoscopic Brow Lift is often combined with Upper Eyelid Surgery to achieve a balanced rejuvenation of the upper face. Depending on your appearance prior to surgery as well as the goals you desire, Dr. John Park will come up with a tailored plan to help you with your new and refreshed look.
Some patients, usually males with prominent eyebrows, may be candidates for a Direct Brow Lift. In a Direct Brow Lift, the incisions are made just along the eyebrows so that the scars are maximally camouflaged. A section of skin and underlying tissue above and following the length of the eyebrows is removed, lifting up a sagging brow while tightening and smoothing the forehead by pulling the skin and tissue of the forehead down rather than up.
The Direct Brow Lift therefore lowers the hairline, which is ideal for a receding hairline or high forehead. At the same time, eyebrow shape and asymmetry can also be addressed.
With both types of Brow Lifts, patients will experience some bruising and swelling following the procedure but are usually comfortable returning to their normal routine activities in about 2 weeks.
If you’re considering a Brow Lift, please contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and learn more. Call (949) 777-6883 or send an email to arrange an appointment.
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