06 Nov A Beautiful Body after Having a Baby
Tummy tucks in Newport Beach are one of the most popular procedures for women and men. At John Park MD Plastic Surgery, many women include a tummy tuck as part of their “mommy makeover,” often pairing the procedure with breast augmentation and liposuction. Post-partum women are often prime candidates for a tummy tuck and this positively life-changing procedure can be an added way to celebrate the joy and beauty of an exciting new life chapter.
Tummy Tuck Post Childbirth
Tummy tucks remove excess skin and help strengthen and repair abdominal muscles after a pregnancy. Weight fluctuations are a common cause of skin changes in the midsection, and of course, a pregnancy is a prime cause of fast weight changes. A tummy tuck incision is easily hidden below the beltline so moms can wear their favorite bikinis and crop tops post-surgery.
However, tummy tucks are especially helpful to moms because of the surgery’s inherent ability to repair and restore abdominal muscles. These muscles can be understandably stretched beyond their limits during pregnancy, and strength training programs aren’t really designed to repair these muscles. Tummy tucks promise not just a taut, flat tummy but also muscles that are rejuvenated and strengthened. This allows moms to quickly get back to their favorite exercises and ensures a strong core.
Liposuction is regularly used in tandem with tummy tucks, and is the only method for permanently targeting fat loss. Diet and exercise can shrink fat cells, but only liposuction can immediately vanquish these stubborn pockets of fat for good. It’s part of making sure the tummy tuck is as effective as possible, and a lower body fat in the belly is important for showing off those newly-strengthened ab muscles.
Schedule Your Consultation
Most moms prefer to wait until they’re finished having biological children to schedule a tummy tuck. If this is you, it’s time to schedule the ultimate mother’s day present to yourself—granted, a little early! Learn more about customized tummy tucks when you schedule your complimentary consultation with John Park MD Plastic Surgery today.