04 Oct Beyond The Basics: Implant Placement For Natural-Looking Results
Achieving Beautiful, Natural-Looking Breast Implants
Women are embracing the many benefits of breast augmentation using saline or silicone implants. The personal, psychological, and social reasons make breast implants the most popular cosmetic surgery to date. Larger breasts provide a more feminine appearance and silhouette, boosting confidence and attractiveness. Women are also more appealing or competitive in social or professional settings. While beneficial, women also want more natural-looking implants. Implant placement plays a significant role in the size, shape, and profile of breast augmentation. Understanding the pros and cons of each option can help women make the best choice for optimal results.
Understanding subglandular implant placement
During breast augmentation, a silicone or saline implant is placed among the breast tissue through an incision around the breast. The surgeon will have the option of placing the implant in front of or behind the chest muscle. The doctor and patient decide this location before the procedure. Subglandular placement means the implant will rest in front of the chest muscle. In other words, the implant lies between the breast tissue and pectoral muscles. This option is faster and less invasive, leading to a quicker recovery and less postoperative pain. Women who want more pronounced cleavage with easier adjustments enjoy this option.
Hiding behind the muscles
Submuscular implants go behind the pectoral muscles. The surgeon will create incisions in the muscle to fit the implant in this space. Some surgeons adopt a dual-plane approach. Part of the implant is behind, and part is in front of the pectoral wall. This technique takes longer to perform and may cause more postoperative pain and a longer recovery. However, submuscular implants have fantastic benefits. This is the preferred option for women who want a more natural result but have less breast tissue to work with. The implants do not sit too high on the chest but provide a more flattering profile. However, the breasts can look unnatural when flexing the chest muscles or in certain positions. Submuscular implants may also reduce the risk of capsular contracture, a potentially serious complication.
Does the type of implant matter?
Silicone implants are often preferred for a more natural look and profile. Saline implants can provide more cleavage but a more rounded shape. Some implant types, like gummy bear implants, are more suited for submuscular placement. These may give a more natural appearance. Implant type is not the only factor that dictates implant placement. Each patient has a unique anatomy that guides the decision. Height and frame, pectoral muscle size, existing breast tissue, and skin elasticity all play a role. Women with little breast tissue can benefit from submuscular placement of saline and silicone implants. The muscle helps to conceal the implant edges, reducing the risk of rippling or seeing visible creases.
Which should you choose?
There are pros and cons to subglandular and submuscular implant placement. The location depends on the desired outcome. Women seeking larger breasts and cleavage will benefit from subglandular placement. A more subtle approach with a flattering profile may consider submuscular placement. A dual-plane method may provide both benefits while minimizing disadvantages. The ultimate decision rests on a combination of patient desires, anatomy, surgeon skill, breast tissue, and lifestyle. A consultation with the surgeon will help the patient reach natural-looking aesthetic goals.