Will The Best Body Contouring Solution Please Stand up! SculpSure Or CoolSculpting?

SculpSure Or CoolSculpting? Irvine Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Park Discusses

Will The Best Body Contouring Solution Please Stand up! SculpSure Or CoolSculpting?

As professionals, wishing to offer our patients the very best options available in all areas related to body improvement, once again we are faced with new treatments in the area of non-invasive body sculpting.

Overall, CoolSculpting and SculpSure use the same basic concept to destroy fat cells. They both use extreme temperature to alter fat cells. One difference related to the temperature change, however, is that while cold stays concentrated in one place, the heat from SculpSure slightly extends beyond the immediate treatment area. This thermal extension helps to create a natural transition between the treated and untreated parts of the body.

What Does CoolScuplting Feel Like And How Long Does It Take?

Each CoolSculpting treatment takes approximately 60 minutes. The applicator is placed on the treatment area, and the tissue is pulled and sucked between two plates to freeze the fat cells. Though some patients don’t mind the sensation of the CoolSculpting device, others find it painful. Following the procedure, it is necessary to knead or massage the treated area before the patient can leave. Numbness after treatment can last a few days.

SculpSure treatments each take around 25 minutes. With SculpSure, up to four applicators are used at one time to fit the desired area(s). Very often, two areas can be done simultaneously. Applicators sit on top of the tissue, simultaneously keeping your skin cool while using laser energy to heat the fat cells.
After your treatment there is not any additional care needed during or after the SculpSure procedure; patients can get right back to work or play.

What Results Should I Expect From CoolSculpting?

With CoolSculpting, you can expect to start seeing changes in the treated area as early as three weeks after your first treatment, but you’ll have more dramatic results after 2 to 3 months.

SculpSure usually shows results a little quicker. You should see changes at about the 6-week point after your treatment, and you’ll reach optimal results around 3 months out.

With each of these procedures, how many treatments you will need depends on your unique body and on your treatment goals. With each, some patients need just one treatment, while others who have more fat tissue may need multiple sessions.

So, to conclude, both CoolSculpting and SculpSure work by killing off fat cells, which means that your results are potentially permanent.  That is, as long as you maintain your weight. Should you not maintain a healthy lifestyle and your body generates new fat, you will most definitely lose your results.

It has been noted by doctors, however, that patients who have been treated with SculpSure, who subsequently gained weight, did not put back on as much fat in the treatment area.

So, there you have it. Seemingly, SculpSure rises above CoolSculpting in many areas, and we at Dr. John Park’s office agree. We have seen countless patients reporting wonderful results after SculpSure. We are convinced that SculpSure is the best option, and that is why we offer this procedure.

Newport Beach SculpSure and CoolSculpting Information

If you are interested in targeting stubborn fat and doing away with it permanently, give the office of Dr. John Park a call at (949) 777-6883 and discuss SculpSure treatments. We will walk you through the technique, answer any questions and make you feel confident in the choice you will be making.

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