22 Oct This is Why Wendy Williams’ Breast Implants Still Look Amazing After 25+ Years
Wendy Williams has always been open about her plastic surgery, including the breast implants she got over 25 years ago. Just like many patients at John Park MD Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, Williams opted for implants below the breast muscle—and that’s the key to breast implants looking stunning for decades. Williams’ procedure was in 1994, and she recently told a reporter her secret: “I’m telling you, under-the-muscle implants. They still stay up! If you’re going to do it, go under the muscle!”
The Importance of Placement
There are a few ways breast implants can be inserted, including below the breast muscle and above it. Above-the-muscle implants are a little less invasive, but they don’t stay in position as long as under-the-muscle implants (keep in mind that the FDA issues a timeframe for all implants that should be followed). Below-the-muscle implants yield results that help women look younger and perkier for longer. When breast implants are placed over the muscle, breast tissue and skin are all that support the implant. Skin loses elasticity over time, which means the breast implant isn’t as secure as an under-the-muscle implant.
However, support and helping the breast implant last as long as possible are just two benefits to placing implants under the muscle. It also makes them look more natural. If breast implants are placed on top of the muscle, it’s just a thin layer of skin camouflaging the breast implant. Below the muscle, the breast implant simply has more covering it—which means a more organic look. This is true for all women and implants of all sizes, but especially for very slender women who opt for larger breast implants.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today
If you’re thinking about breast augmentation, above or below the muscle is one of the most important decisions to make. To learn more about the benefits of placement, contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery at (949) 777-6883 to schedule your complimentary breast augmentation consultation.