02 May Which Breast Implants are Best for Me?
There was a time when opting for breast implants meant deciding between silicone and saline. Those are both still great options, and available at John Park MD Plastic Surgery, but today there are even more options including “gummy bear implants” and a variety of textures. How can you choose the right breast implants for you?
It starts with scheduling a consultation, and surgical consultations are always complimentary with Dr. John Park. Understanding the benefits of various implant types and styles is critical in achieving the exact results you want. Let’s start with the basics:
• Saline implants. These types of implants are made up of sterile water and salt (i.e., saline solution). In the rare chance that an implant gets damaged, saline is quickly and safely absorbed by the body. This is very unlikely to happen for those who choose a reputable surgeon, but knowing this can provide peace of mind.
• Structured saline breast implants. This type of implant is virtually the same as a saline implant, but in addition to sterile salt water, there is an inner structure that increases the natural look of the implant.
• Silicone breast implants. Instead of saline, a silicone gel makes up this type of implant. Some people think this feels more natural, and should there be a leak don’t worry—the silicone will remain inside a special pocket. This means no collapse. Once again, a leak is very unlikely to happen.
• Gummy bear breast implants. These are actually called form-stable implants, but got their nickname because they maintain a natural shape. Gummy bear implants are created with silicone gel that’s even thicker than what’s in silicone implants.
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The texture and shape choice can also vary. You can choose round breast implants, smooth, or textured. One of the most exciting parts of this journey is your initial consultation, where you can see and feel the variety of implants available. Seeing and touching the implants can help give you a much clearer idea of what you want and what to expect. To schedule your complimentary consultation, call John Park MD at (949) 777-6883.