Capsular Contracture: Does Breast Implant Pain Mean You Need Revision Surgery?


Capsular Contracture: Does Breast Implant Pain Mean You Need Revision Surgery?

Signs A Revision Surgery Is Needed

Capsular contracture is a common complication after breast augmentation surgery. The problem occurs when the scar tissue that forms around the breast implant begins to harden, causing the breast to feel hard, look distorted, and potentially cause pain. If capsular contracture is experienced after breast implant insertion, revision surgery may be necessary.

Post-operative pain is normal

Patients should remember that not all breast implant pain indicates a problem. Some discomfort is normal after surgery and should resolve within a few weeks. However, if the pain persists or becomes severe, capsular contracture could possibly require revision surgery. Other symptoms to be aware of include a breast that feels hard, looks distorted or uneven, or appears to be changing shape.

Common causes of implant pain

Capsular contracture can occur anytime after the breast implant surgery, including years later. Other causes of breast implant pain are an infected incision, necrosis, toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a breast implant rupture, seroma, enlarged lymph nodes, and a hematoma. If the pain persists, a healthcare provider should be consulted to diagnose the exact problem.

Conservative treatment measures

Not all cases of capsular contracture require revision surgery. In some cases, treatment options such as massaging the breast or taking medication to reduce scar tissue may effectively resolve the issue. The Aspen Rehab Technique is a non-invasive treatment option that uses a device to deliver ultrasound waves to the tissue to stimulate collagen production and increase elasticity.

When revision is necessary

For severe cases of capsular contracture, breast implant revision surgery can help. A patient will be under general anesthesia while the surgeon removes the breast implant and the surrounding capsule and cleans the area to prevent infection. A new implant is placed in the existing pocket or a newly created pocket with better positioning. Most patients have an excellent recovery with a low rate of capsular contracture recurrence.

Preventing contracture

Several precautions can reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Quit smoking before surgery to reduce the risk of hematomas which can interrupt the healing process. Gentle massages during the recovery process can increase skin elasticity. Consult with the surgeon to determine the best practices for massaging the area without negatively impacting the stitches.

Get rid of implant pain

Capsular contracture is a common complication after breast augmentation surgery, but not all breast implant pain indicates a serious problem. If pain or other symptoms of capsular contracture are experienced, patients should speak with a plastic surgeon to determine the best course of treatment. In some cases, revision surgery may be necessary, but in other cases, massaging the breast or taking medication may effectively resolve the issue.

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