Enhance Your Natural Beauty: Breast Augmentation Options For You


Enhance Your Natural Beauty: Breast Augmentation Options For You

Can Breast Augmentation Enhance My Natural Beauty?

Breast augmentation is a personal decision based on many factors. Some women want to enlarge naturally small breasts. Others want to restore volume lost after pregnancy or surgery. Whatever the reason, surgeons have noticed that most patients wish for breast augmentation that enhances natural beauty. This objective can be achieved thanks to the many options available. Choosing the right implant types, shapes, locations, and techniques can help achieve the desired outcome without the obvious signs of cosmetic surgery.

Choose the right implant type

Implants contain either silicone or saline solution, with both having an outer silicone shell. There is also the gummy bear implant made with a denser, highly cohesive silicone gel. Silicone implants are filled with a viscous silicone gel and are often described as a more natural feeling option. Saline implants contain a sterile saltwater solution. These can be filled after surgical installation and are highly adjustable based on individual needs. Gummy bear implants are a recent invention that seeks to combine the qualities of silicone and saline implants. Surgeons will help patients choose based on body composition and overall goals.

Achieve a more natural shape

The size and shape of an implant can help patients achieve a more natural enhancement. Most implants come in a round, symmetrical shape. These implants can fill the upper pole of the breasts, creating more cleavage. Some implants, like the gummy bear options, come in a teardrop shape. These resemble the natural anatomical shape of the breasts and are growing in popularity. Patients who choose these achieve more fullness in the lower pole, giving a subtle, natural-looking result.

Size and profile matter, too

The surgeon will help the patient select the implant size, measured in cubic centimeters (cc’s), with 300-500 the average implant size. The cubic centimeters, not the patient’s desired cup size, will determine the final size of the implants. The implant profile determines how much the breasts will project from the chest wall. In other words, a large implant with an incorrect profile will not produce the desired results. Finding the right mix of size and profile is essential to a natural look. The surgeon will recommend the best option based on body type and existing breast tissue.

In front or behind the muscle?

So, the type, shape, size, and profile are ready to go. The next step is to determine the breast implant placement. Surgeons can place breast implants in a submuscular or subglandular location. A submuscular approach places the implant behind the chest muscle. This option provides more volume, especially if the patient has low breast tissue. Submuscular implants also look more natural but may sit higher on the chest. Subglandular means the surgeon places the implant behind the breast tissue but in front of the pectoral muscle wall. There is no disruption to the chest muscles, allowing for faster surgery and shorter recovery time. However, this option tends to create a rounder, more unnatural appearance.

Awaken your natural beauty

Combining breast augmentation options is essential to accentuating the patient’s natural beauty. Breast augmentation is not about increasing the size of the breasts. The goal is to achieve a shape, size, and profile that matches the body type and goals of the patient. Some women want implants that enhance dresses, swimsuits, and other attire. Others desire more cleavage that compliments the natural contours of the body. Consultation with an experienced surgeon can help patients achieve the ideal size, symmetry, and naturally attractive breast appearance.

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