31 Jul Knowing What Breast Implant Size is Best
If you’re going to spend the money on breast implants, you might as well get the biggest ones possible, right? When deciding on getting a breast augmentation, many women have the notion that they need to “go big or go home.” While the goal of a breast implant is to obviously make the breasts larger, breasts that are too big can be difficult to manage on a daily basis. While a good plastic surgeon will advise patients of risks, ultimately, it is the woman’s choice when it comes to which size implant she should get.
Ultimately, It’s What the Woman Wants
Breast size is personal. Some women may be more modest in their approach, while others will want to go five or six sizes up. Ultimately, it’s your choice. For the most part, a plastic surgeon will give you the breast implant size you want, as long as it’s safe and your body type can support it.
Breast Implant Limitations
While women have many options when it comes to breast implants, there are some limitations. For example, smaller women can only go so big due to their frame size. Taller women, on the other hand, have a larger chest area and can support bigger breasts.
Those who are very athletic may also want to choose smaller implants. Sports bras can only do so much regarding support, and too much running and other activity with large breasts can cause back issues.
A Lengthy Breast Surgery Consultation is Key
Plastic surgeons now have 3D imaging technology to show you what your new breasts will look like. They will also discuss risks with you and show you what they recommend if you’re looking for a modest increase in size that will still look good decades down the road. Remember to think about the future, because you want a long-term – even lifetime – result, not a temporary fix that you’ll want to be reversed in a few years.
Complimentary Breast Consultation in Newport Beach with Dr. John Park
Dr. John Park is a plastic surgeon who practices in Newport Beach. He will listen to you and help you achieve your goals so you can get the breasts you’ve always desired. Contact Dr. Park at (949) 777-6883 to learn more about the breast augmentation process and determine which implant size is right for you.