10 Apr Look Younger For Longer: 4 Tips To Maintain Your Mini-Facelift Results For Years
Making The Most Of A Mini-Facelift
Looking young and beautiful is many people’s dream. However, the body changes with age, causing skin tissues to become looser and sag. Mini-facelifts use smaller incisions to give a person that fresh-faced look again. Adopting certain lifestyle habits post-op can help maintain the youthful results achieved with surgery.
1. Focus on sun protection
Excessive sun exposure without proper protection is a leading cause of premature skin aging. After a mini-facelift, patients should avoid sun exposure as much as possible. When going outside, apply sunscreen with a sun protective factor (SPF) of at least 50 or use a wide-brimmed hat. Protection is especially important during the recovery phase when the skin is most sensitive. Sun exposure can cause discoloration and make scars more visible. To maintain a mini-facelift’s results, regularly reapply sunscreen, remain indoors or in the shade when possible, and use a scarf, hat, and sunglasses for maximum sun protection.
2. Stop smoking
A mini-facelift takes time to heal from. Smoking during the recovery phase can increase the risk of infection and side effects, such as thick scarring and fat necrosis. Smoking also slows the natural wound-healing process. Even after the post-op period, smoking can reduce collagen and elastin, which provide the skin with a supple and youthful appearance. Smoking can cause dull skin, a smoker’s pucker, crow’s feet, a sagging jawline, and puffy eyelids.
3. Live healthier
Signs of skin aging can become more present with unhealthy habits, such as a poor diet and lack of exercise. To improve mini-facelift results, patients can adopt a well-balanced and healthy diet, get enough sleep, and reduce stress. A holistic approach to health not only improves the look of skin but also keeps other parts of the body in working order.
4. Level up your skincare
A mini-facelift can only do so much. A robust skincare regimen using high-quality ingredients can moisturize the skin and increase the production of essential skin components. Look for skincare ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, retinol, and vitamin C. Non-surgical treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and fillers after surgery can be excellent complements to mini-facelift results.
Maintaining results for years
The look achieved with cosmetic surgery can fade over time, and the same is true of mini-facelifts. However, with the right approach to maintaining results, a patient can prolong the effectiveness of a mini-facelift for years. If a patient has realistic expectations from the beginning and follows the surgeon’s instructions closely, a mini-facelift can allow the individual to age gracefully.