03 May Complete Your Mommy Makeover with Liposuction
A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures that are customized based on the needs of the patient. And Dr. John Park has guided many women through the process of choosing the best operations to achieve their pre-pregnancy body. Learn more about Mommy Makeover surgery and be sure to contact our Newport Beach, CA office today for a complimentary Mommy Makeover consultation.
Mommy Makeover Surgery May Include:
• Breast augmentation
• Breast Lift
• Tummy tuck
• Butt Lift
• Body Lift
• Liposuction
While many primary procedures get a lot of attention, liposuction is sometimes overlooked because it’s considered less invasive. However, it is a fantastic procedure that ties all the surgical procedures together to achieve the best possible outcome.
How Liposuction Alters Your Look
For individuals who are interested in a tummy tuck or body lift then you will want to understand how liposuction can influence those results. Essentially, liposuction can help make the most of those procedures. While a tummy tuck and a body lift can remove the loose and sagging skin, neither procedure can combat fat deposits that build up after pregnancy. Liposuction removes those fat deposits and gives the entire procedure a finished look.
You May Not Wish For Other Procedures
Because each and every woman is unique, pregnancy impacts us all differently, and the same surgery on a different woman would present different results. Let’s face it; we are unique. And working with a surgeon who understands how to create curves in all the right places is the best way to get the results you dream about.
Essentially a tummy tuck is ideal for patients who have excess skin, and that person will need a different surgical technique than a patient who doesn’t have the excess tissue. Some results can simply be achieved with liposuction, other times it’s a fantastic complement to surgical procedures such as a mommy makeover or tummy tuck to “finish” the new look.
Mommy Makeover in Newport Beach
Dr. John Park is located in Newport Beach and is a board certified plastic surgeon, and his mommy makeover experience and expertise can help you achieve your goals. Contact our office today at (949) 777-6883 to set up your complimentary consultation.