20 Sep How Many Procedures Are Safely Combined In A Mommy Makeover?
Normally a Mommy Makeover would consist of a tummy tuck and a breast lift and these are commonly and effectively done in one setting, at one time. However, if you are healthy and your surgeon decides it is safe to add more procedures, that can most certainly be done. How many procedures though, would be for your surgeon and you to decide together.
Some of the procedures that patients are interested in adding to the mommy makeover would be a thigh lift and / or arm lift and liposuction. Combining surgeries lessens your recovery time in the long run and also saves on operating room costs as well as anesthesia. However, having said that, there are risks associated with longer surgeries. Whenever a patient has co-existing medical problems a thorough and comprehensive medical evaluation must be accomplished before any surgery is performed.
Mommy Makeover Surgery Consultation Newport Beach, CA
There is a lot to consider before any surgery and adding different procedures to a mommy makeover does make things more complicated. If you have decided on moving forward with learning more about this procedure (or combination of), contact a board certified plastic surgeon who will provide the expertise, the compassion and the experience that you expect and deserve.