18 Jun Saline To Silicone Switch: 3 Reasons To Consider Replacing Your Breast Implants
The Science Of Implants
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic medical procedure that uses prosthetic devices to make the breasts larger. A breast implant is a prosthetic device made from a silicone shell filled with silicone gel or saline solution. Implants vary in size, shape, and texture. Patients work closely with doctors to determine the size and type of implant needed for surgery. If a woman originally decided on saline, there are some compelling reasons to make the switch to silicone implants.
Choosing a saline implant
Patients looking for control over implant size may initially choose a saline implant made from a silicone rubber shell filled with a sterile isotonic saline solution. During the surgery, the empty implant is pumped with saline solution to create the desired breast size for the patient, so saline implants vary in size and shape. Structured saline implants are made with special shells to retain the implant’s shape and accentuate breast cleavage. Saline implants tend to feel firm to the touch. If a leak occurs, the sterile solution gets absorbed into the body.
The structure of silicone implants
Women who desire more natural-feeling breasts may opt for silicone implants, which are comprised of a silicone rubber shell with liquid or cohesive silicone gel inside. A traditional silicone breast implant is made with liquid silicone gel. A gummy bear implant, another type of silicone device, is filled with a thick and cohesive silicone gel. Gummy bear implants can be round, tear-dropped shape, or have a textured rubber shell. Gummy bear implants are less likely to rupture and cause complications for patients.
Switching from saline to silicone
Due to medical technology advancements, many patients who underwent breast augmentation years ago are now considering new or different breast implants. Although saline implants tend to be safer than silicone implants, the look and feel of saline implants are not the same as silicone implants. Furthermore, the composition of silicone implants has drastically improved within the last 10 years. Here are 3 reasons why a switch to silicone implants may be the right choice.
1. Variety of silicone options available
Patients interested in replacing current saline implants with silicone have options. Women can select traditional silicone, gummy bear, round, smooth, teardrop, or textured implants, depending on the look desired. Round silicone implants, for example, give the breasts a fuller appearance, while smooth implants are soft to the touch. New generation silicone implants have better silicone molecules, a higher fill percentage, and more cohesion. Patients can now choose new implants that have the desired shape and feel.
2. Saline implants can lose volume
Although implants can last for up to 20 years, most healthcare providers suggest replacing implants after the 10-year mark. Saline implants are known to lose volume after a certain amount of time. The volume loss occurs due to leakage through a valve failure with the saline implant. Furthermore, the saline solution inside the implant can evaporate, causing shrinkage. A switch to silicone ensures breast longevity.
3. Less chance of rippling
The structure of silicone implants reduces the risk of rippling. Saline implants must be filled during surgery, and underfilling is the leading cause of implant rippling. Silicone implants are pre-filled, so the likeliness of rippling is significantly reduced when a switch is made.
Your best implants
Patients should speak with a cosmetic surgeon to discuss whether switching from saline to silicone implants makes sense. Women interested in making the switch to silicone have various options to choose from. If silicone implants are selected, volume loss and rippling are less likely. Choosing the right implant for cosmetic surgery can significantly improve the patient’s overall satisfaction.