28 Nov SculpSure Is The Choice For Non-Invasive Fat Removal
It is very true that the interest for non-invasive, outpatient fat removal, such as SculpSure, is exploding! There are choices out there, and they can be confusing. If you are considering one of these procedures, it’s best to be informed and know what you are getting yourself into.
SculpSure Is The “Go To“ For Fat Removal
The newest kid on the block is SculpSure. This is the first FDA indicated laser for non-invasive fat removal. It was recently approved in October of 2015 and is a quick, only 25 minutes easy procedure. SculpSure is a diode laser that targets and destroys fat cells through the heat of the laser. There are four treatment heads that can be contoured to fit basically any area of the body. This means that multiple areas can be treated at the same time, saving time and money. Most often, one or two sessions will do the trick.
SculpSure Is A Step Above The Rest
On the market for five years, CoolSculpting also destroys fat cells; however, it is done by using cold therapy – not heat. It does take longer, at least an hour, and the applicator head works only on areas of the body with loose skin that can be drawn into the applicator head. There is more discomfort during and after the CoolSculpting treatment. Both CoolSculpting and SculpSure reduce fat on average 25% per session and results take about 8-12 weeks to be realized. Two or three SculpSure sessions are needed, and it is FDA approved.
UltraShape is also an outpatient procedure, it takes 45 minutes to perform, and three sessions are necessary. It uses ultrasound energy to melt fat cells. It’s important to note this technology is not FDA approved and can be quite uncomfortable during the treatment session. It also targets only small areas at a time.
Dr. John Park did much research before deciding which fat removal system he would offer to his patients. He decided that SculpSure is the most effective, non-invasive treatment, being both easy on the patient’s body and on the wallet.
If you are considering SculpSure technology to remove unwanted fat, contact Dr. John Park at (949) 777- 6883. Schedule your complimentary consultation today.