26 Feb SculpSure for More Spot Fat Reduction
John Park MD Plastic Surgery offers the latest non-invasive fat reduction procedures. SculpSure can address the most “real estate” in the industry for fat reduction. FDA-cleared, the laser treatment was designed specifically for the back, thighs, abdomen, and flanks. It can also be used for the under-chin (submental) area. Unlike other fat-reduction tools, it was created to target larger areas per session in order to lower total cost for patients. You don’t need several sessions to work through a single large body part, such as the thighs.
How SculpSure Works
SculpSure is a fantastic treatment for selective fat reduction. As a highly customizable procedure, there is a simple attachment system which gives experts increased control over the experience and the results. Completely hands-free, most sessions take between 30 – 40 minutes. Total sessions required depends on the patient and their goals. However, most patients require three to four sessions.
Also unlike other fat-reduction tools available, patients can opt for a SculpSure session twice per week if they are the ideal candidate. This means the majority of patients are finished in one month or less. You can start to see some results in as little as six weeks, but full results can take up to six months.
SculpSure works via a 1060 nm wavelength laser that pinpoints fatty tissue. The targeted fat is heated to the perfect temperature to cause “melting.” However, no excessive heat or discomfort is felt by the patient. Most patients can easily watch a show on Netflix, work on their mobile device, or read a book without distractions during a SculpSure session. Once the fat has been targeted by SculpSure, it’s safely and naturally eliminated from the body.
The results aren’t immediate, however by allowing the body to absorb and discharge the unwanted fat cells, patients enjoy a slower and more natural-looking fat loss experience. There’s also no risks associated with surgery, no downtime, and no risk of scarring or bruising. SculpSure is a fantastic choice for those who don’t qualify for surgery or prefer a more conservative approach. It’s designed for stubborn pockets of fat, trouble zones, and for when diet and exercise alone aren’t offering the desired results.
SculpSure Fat Reduction Consultation – Call Dr. John Park in Newport Beach
SculpSure offers fewer treatments, more treatments options each week, and absolutely no side effects. If you’ve been struggling with the same fat pockets but want to avoid surgery, find out if SculpSure is for you. Call John Park MD Plastic Surgery at 949-777-6883.