20 Jun Trying To Decide On A Breast Lift Or Augmentation? When To Consider Mastopexy
Thinking About Cosmetic Breast Surgery?
The body changes over time, and the breasts are no exception. Age, weight changes, poor symmetry, or gravity can create significant changes in the appearance of the bust. Factors like genetics or breast surgery also inspire a need for change. There is more to cosmetic breast surgery than implants. Patients can decide between mastopexy, otherwise called a breast lift, and breast augmentation. Both procedures produce different results. With a surgeon’s help, patients can choose the best course of action.
All about mastopexy
Most patients will stare down 2 paths for cosmetic breast surgery. The first, a mastopexy, is a procedure to lift or change the position of the breast. Most mastopexies are outpatient procedures. The surgeon makes multiple small incisions near the areola and under the breast. Then the breast tissue and nipple are carefully repositioned. The surgeon removes the excess skin and closes the incisions. Breast lifts have a high satisfaction rate and can last for 10-15 years.
What is breast augmentation?
When people think of breast surgery, breast augmentation always comes to mind. The goal is to increase the size and volume of the breast by adding implants. The patient is first measured for silicone or saline implants. The implants are then surgically installed through an incision near the nipple or under the breast. Fat transfer breast augmentation is also growing in popularity, as liposuction is used to move excess fat to the breasts.
When should you choose a breast lift?
Breast lifts are an excellent option for women who have breast positioning issues. The size and profile of the breast are fine, but sagging, asymmetry or excess skin is a concern. Examples of these patients are those with multiple pregnancies, breastfed, or had significant weight loss. Breast lifts restore confidence without making dramatic changes to the size and profile of the breasts.
When is augmentation best?
Breast implants focus on improving the size and shape of the breasts. The patient can choose to increase cup size by adding sufficient CCs of the implant. Patients can also choose a round or teardrop appearance. Augmentation is best for women with naturally small breasts, previous mastectomy, breastfeeding changes, or pregnancy. However, most candidates for augmentation want to enhance their overall appearance, which will improve body confidence.
The choice is yours
For thousands of women interested in improving the appearance of breasts, a mastopexy can help. These women already have sufficient size and volume. However, sagging breasts, nipple location, or weight changes can impact confidence. The surgeon can show how making simple changes in tissue and removing excess skin can help. In some cases, surgeons recommend both mastopexy and augmentation. Together, patients will notice exceptional, dramatic results. A consultation with a board-certified surgeon can help women make the right choice.