24 Dec The Effects of Weight Gain On Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation performed by Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. John Park can help you achieve the bosom you’ve always wanted. It’s the ideal way to get the permanent, long-lasting chest contour that you’ve been dreaming about; however, just because breast augmentation results are permanent, that doesn’t mean they can’t be affected. Something as simple as weight gain can take your results from being fabulous to anything but.
How Additional Weight Alters Breast Skin
Just like anywhere on your body, if you gain weight your skin is stretched. And this unnecessary stretching can decrease elasticity in the skin resulting in wrinkles and possible sagging. Of course, the more weight gained, the more the skin is stretched and ultimately damaged. Once the skin loses elasticity, it is no longer capable of retracting back to its former shape even if weight loss is achieved. Most people associate weight gain in the belly region, but breast tissue is fat, so additional weight gain usually leads to additional breast tissue. And just as women develop stretch marks in the abdominal area, they can also develop them and loose skin in the breast area. When this side effect occurs, women most likely will need a breast lift to remove excess skin and to lift the breast implants to a more pleasant location on the chest.
Weight Gain Side Effects To Implant Appearance
When weight is gained, the actual breast implant itself isn’t specifically altered. It is the overall appearance that is affected. Increased breast tissue can leave you looking bustier than you would like. The purpose of breast augmentation is to achieve symmetry while receiving the exact size breasts that you desire. If additional weight is gained, the overall shape, symmetry, and texture of your breasts can change. The last thing that you want is to undergo surgery to get exactly what you want only to lose it because of something completely within your control.
How weight gain effects results vary from person to person. Much depends on what your starting weight was following breast augmentation and then how much weight was gained.
The best way to maintain your perfect breast augmentation results is to maintain a healthy and stable weight. Try to avoid weight fluctuations with age and be diligent with your diet and exercise regimen.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
If your breast augmentation results have been altered due to weight gain, contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery and schedule a consultation with Dr. Park. He can assist you in revision options to restore your perky appearance. Call (949) 777-6883 today!