29 Sep Can I Get A Breast Augmentation Before I Have Children?
One of the most frequently asked breast augmentation questions we receive from patients is whether or not they should wait to have a breast augmentation until after they are done having children. We wish this answer was more clear-cut, but unfortunately it is not.
The main concern with whether or not to wait to have breast augmentation surgery or not, is how it will affect your breasts after pregnancy or nursing. It is very difficult to predict how each body will be affected by pregnancy. However, one important thing to consider is that breast implants pose no risk or danger to you or your unborn child. In addition, implants should have no impact with breastfeeding, if you choose to do so.
Getting breast implants before or after children is a very personal decision.
Generally speaking, smaller breasts usually have less change during pregnancy, whereas larger breasts may tend to sag. It is also important to take into account the added pregnancy weight and fluctuation within the breast that can happen both during and after pregnancy, larger breasts tend to see more change.
Talk with Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Park
If you are considering a breast augmentation, it is best to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon and bring up any concerns or questions you may have during your consultation with your plastic surgeon – (949) 777-6883.