Breast Implant Placement: Over vs. Under the Muscle

Breast Implant Placement: Over vs. Under | Dr. John Park, Newport Beach

Breast Implant Placement: Over vs. Under the Muscle

Choosing the best implant type, size, and shape in collaboration with John Park MD Plastic Surgery is the key to customizing your results, but did you know you can also choose the placement? Some women prefer breast implants over the chest muscles, while others prefer breast implants below the muscle. What’s the difference, and how can you decide which placement will give you optimal results?

Dr. John Park helps guide patients through every part of the breast augmentation process. Many factors are playing a role in the over vs. under muscle debate. For instance, your health history, chosen type of implant, body type, and implant size can all help direct you and your doctor towards deciding which placement is right for you.

If a patient is a right candidate for either placement, it’s essential to know the benefits of each. For instance, over-the-muscle (or sub-glandular) placement often means a faster and less invasive procedure. Since muscles stay perfectly intact, the recovery time is also shorter. This position also allows implants to be placed closer together if desired, which can increase “cleavage.” In some cases, larger implants can also be used in this position if the patient prefers.

Implants that are below the muscle, or sub-muscular, also have special benefits. The chest muscles can help support the placement of the implants, and some OBGYNs say that implants below the muscle can make mammograms a little easier to read. Some women think implants below the muscle look more natural, but a skilled plastic surgeon will ensure that every breast augmentation, regardless of placement or size, is gorgeous and natural-looking.

Schedule a Consultation at John Park MD Plastic Surgery Today!

There is a lot to consider when you’re thinking about breast augmentation, which is why surgical consultations are always complimentary. These consultations will give you time to find out more about placement options, breast implant types, and get a clearer idea of the type of breast augmentation you want. If you’re ready to take the first step towards stunning breast augmentation, contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery today.

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