Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: Would I Need Time Off Work After A Mini Facelift?

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Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: Would I Need Time Off Work After A Mini Facelift?

How Much PTO Do I Need For A Facelift?

In the United States and around the world, facelift procedures are incredibly popular, with demand rising yearly. Widely considered the gold standard of anti-aging, facelift procedures restore a youthful appearance via correcting loose, sagging skin. With approximately 100,000 facelifts performed each year, the success of the procedure hinges on the patient. The mini facelift, also called the weekend facelift, uses fewer incisions than a traditional facelift. In some cases, weekend facelifts better accommodate patients with moderate anti-aging expectations and fully packed schedules. Ultimately, the success of a facelift hinges on age, family health history, and anti-aging goals.

What’s a mini facelift?

Patients interested in natural results and less down time often turn to the mini facelift. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon pulls back loose skin and connective tissue via small incisions by the earlobes. Once complete, extra skin is removed and the incisions are closed. Thanks to smaller incisions and less open tissue, recovery takes about half of the time of a traditional facelift. Patients can expect to be back at work within 5-7 days.

Self-care means fast healing

The time to recovery relies on the patient’s behavior and how well the skin is cared for after the procedure. While swelling and bruising after a facelift peak at 2-3 days post-operation, patients must avoid covering the bruises with makeup or any additional moisturizers. Wait for a few days after surgery before applying facial products. Limiting outside factors minimizes the risk of infection, ensuring an easy healing process. By the time the last bruises fade, patients will be healed enough to cover up any residual marks with makeup or personal care products.

Your health history matters

No matter the type or placement of surgery, success depends on the health of the patient. Individuals with a family history of blood clots risk excessive bleeding during surgery, along with tobacco users. Quitting smoking or drastically limiting tobacco use before surgery limits risks associated with surgical procedures. If left unmanaged, tobacco increases the chances of poor wound healing, hematomas, and potential skin loss after a facelift.

Less downtime, more life

For many Americans, a facelift restores a youthful appearance and outlook on life. By repositioning the cheeks and jawline, surgeons combat the loss of volume that naturally occurs in the aging process. With proper care and time to heal, patients can look and feel better with a mini facelift.

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