14 Mar Do I Need Breast Implant Revision?
It isn’t uncommon for women to seek out Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. John Park for breast implant revision. This refers to a type of breast surgery that involves either removing or replacing breast implants for a variety of reasons. Are you unhappy with your breast augmentation results or are you having complications from a previous surgery? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you might be a candidate for breast implant revision. Here are some reasons for considering implant revision.
1. To Change Implant Size
If you’ve had breast augmentation and you’re no longer happy with the appearance of your implants due to their size, breast implant revision can be performed to either increase or decrease their size. However, it’s advised that you wait until you’re fully healed from your first breast augmentation to make the change. This is because it can take time for your body to heal and for your implants to settle. If after that time, you’re still not satisfied, Dr. Park can utilize the original incision to swap out the different sized implants. If desired, the implants can be removed entirely, and a breast lift can be performed to remove excess skin and breast tissue.
2. Experiencing Implant Rippling
Visual implant rippling can occasionally happen following breast augmentation, especially with saline implants that have been placed over the chest muscle and have inadequate breast tissue coverage. This is not a condition that should cause much alarm. Depending on what is contributing to your implant rippling, the implants can be swapped out for a different type, and they can be repositioned to allow for more muscle coverage. The best way to avoid implant rippling is to have your breast augmentation performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Park, that is highly skilled in implant placement.
3. Suffering Capsular Contracture
If you ever begin to experience pain post-surgery, you should contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery right away. It could be a sign that you are suffering from capsular contracture. Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue surrounding the implant becomes calcified and hard. This can result in the implant being shifted or even ruptured. When this happens, the implant is removed.
Contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery For Your Breast Implant Needs
Breast implant revision is not something that should be taken lightly. You should always discuss your concerns and goals with Dr. Park and together create a plan that will help you achieve those goals. To learn more about breast implants or breast implant revision surgery, contact our office at 949-777-6883 and set up a consultation with Dr. Park.