Facelift Recovery – What To Expect Time Wise

Facelift Recovery Timeline | Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Park Irvine

Facelift Recovery – What To Expect Time Wise

To be honest, most patients feel pretty darn good in less than a week post op following facelift surgery. But, of course, their primary concern is if they will look good enough to go out in public. For a full facelift, a full recovery will take a few months, but most will feel up to going out in about 2 weeks. Most of the swelling and bruising will have faded and a hairstyle could camouflage their incisions.

Of course, a large number of variables will determine the rate at which a patient recovers. Everyone heals differently, after care affects the healing process as well as the type of procedure performed.

Even the expertise of the surgeon plays a role in recovery. Different techniques utilized by the surgeon will have an effect on the healing characteristics. Following all post-operative instructions is essential in having a good outcome. There will be information about bandages, drains, taking antibiotic, and your level of activity.

Facelifts are no walk in the park. There is a lot to know and a lot to remember to do. A facelift has the potential for wonderful results; however, one must consider the recovery and healing time before undergoing any cosmetic procedure.

Facelift Consultation with Dr. John Park | Newport Beach, CA

If you are considering a facelift, contact our offices and we will set you up with your private consultation. Here we will guide you through the steps you will take to a successful facelift outcome. Learn more about Dr. John Park, or contact our office to schedule a facelift consultation.

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