07 Mar Have Zoom Meetings Changed Plastic Surgery? Why Facelifts Are On The Rise
Why Do I Look Worse On Zoom?
With the rise of online meetings comes a surge in the amount of time spent looking at faces. Almost 40% of patients who had never tried cosmetic procedures before have been inspired to pursue procedures based on increased time spent on video-conferencing platforms. As the amount of facelifts performed continues to rise each year, the gold standard of anti-aging procedures becomes a cultural mainstay. By investing in a facelift to remove excess skin from the face and neck and smoothing deep wrinkles, patients can feel more confident, whether in the office or at a Zoom meeting.
Do I need makeup after a facelift?
With over 90% of facelifts in the US performed on women, many patients wonder if makeup helps amplify benefits. While makeup can amplify the visual anti-aging benefits of a facelift, cosmetics aren’t strictly needed. Patients can skip the makeup routine with a facelift while still looking fresher than ever.
How long is the healing process?
A common myth about facelifts is that the recovery process is arduous, long and painful. While historically, the healing process was much longer, modern medicine has shortened the process to approximately 2-3 weeks. Doctors manipulate the face’s deep tissue, creating durable results that frequently last 10 years or longer.
Self-care is vital
The time to recovery relies on the patient’s behavior and how well the skin is cared for after the procedure. While swelling and bruising after a facelift peak at 2-3 days post-operation, patients must avoid covering the bruises with makeup or any additional moisturizers. Guaranteeing a smooth healing process, many experts recommend waiting for at least a few days after the procedure before applying products of any consistency to the face. Cameras can stay off for a few days as patients wait for bruises to fade.
Zooming made easy
In 2020, more than 234,000 Americans opted for a facelift. This procedure can restore a youthful appearance, repositioning the cheeks and jawline to combat the de-voluminization that naturally occurs in the aging process. As long as patients care for the skin properly and don’t rush the healing process, facelifts can help many patients look better than ever, both on and offline.