Liposuction Is a Great Way to Banish Fat for Good

Liposuction: Only Way to Banish Fat | Dr. John Park, Newport Beach

Liposuction Is a Great Way to Banish Fat for Good

If you have a healthy diet and exercise routine but still struggle with unwanted fat, there’s a good reason for such a frustrating conundrum. One of the most popular surgeries at John Park MD Plastic Surgery is liposuction, since it’s fast, easy, and the a great surgical way to permanently* remove fat.

Diet and exercise are a must for a healthy lifestyle, but every person is born with different amounts of fat cells and unique fat distribution. Diet and exercise can reduce the size of the fat cells, but it can’t remove them or change their distribution. If you’ve ever thought that some people naturally have an hourglass figure or larger breasts, it’s true. They have a fat distribution in which fat cells are more prevalent in the breast area and less prevalent in the waist.

However, with liposuction, surgeons can surgically remove fat cells from targeted areas for good. When fat is liposuctioned, it will never return. If a person gains weight, fat cells in nearby areas can “spread” to the “lipo-ed” area and give the appearance of weight gain in the liposuctioned area. However, liposuctioned areas are the last places in the body to seemingly “gain weight.” A significant amount of weight must be gained for fat to spread into these areas.

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Liposuction also gives patients the option to customize their body shape. It can help you achieve a slimmer waist (if desired) when diet and exercise aren’t enough. Liposuction can tackle saddlebags, upper arm fat, and even fat below the chin. The simple surgery is often a complement to a healthy lifestyle. Incision marks are minimal and there is very little downtime. It’s common to feel a bit sore and experience bruising after liposuction, but that is the extent of common side effects. Find out if liposuction is for you by calling John Park MD Plastic Surgery at (949) 777-6883.

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