Liquid vs Surgical Facelift: Can Injectables Give The Results You Crave?

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Liquid vs Surgical Facelift: Can Injectables Give The Results You Crave?

Reverse The Signs Of Aging

More and more adults aren’t satisfied with the signs of aging. For many, these signs come on faster than others, thanks to genetics and environmental damage. The way sagging skin and wrinkles make people feel aren’t reflective of vibrant lives and inner confidence. Furthermore, social media has increased beauty standards, leading women and men to try new cosmetic procedures. Facelifts continue to be the preferred option to reverse the signs of aging. Most people know facelifts as surgical procedures, but there is also an injectable option called a liquid facelift.

What is a liquid facelift?

A liquid facelift is an injectable technique performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. The doctor injects natural compounds in strategic locations on the face, adding volume and smoothing skin while revitalizing appearance. Examples of injectables include hyaluronic acid, poly-l-lactic acid, or calcium hydroxyapatite. The surgeon injects one or more of these compounds near the cheeks, jawline, eyebrows, and forehead. Liquid facelifts are great for addressing concerns like nasolabial folds, droopy eyelids, mild wrinkles, and sagging skin.

The benefits of injectables

Most patients prefer injectables because of the quick procedure and results. Injectables are non-surgical and often take less than an hour to complete. Some patients get liquid facelifts on the weekend or during a lunch break. The injectables usually consist of natural ingredients, which appeal to many people. There is also limited bruising, swelling, and complications from this type of procedure. On average, injectables last 6-18 months.

Should I try a surgical facelift?

Liquid facelifts are appealing and can provide mild to moderate results. However, surgical facelifts are still the premier anti-aging cosmetic procedure. The surgery targets the lower face and neck, helping with sagging skin, deep wrinkles, folds, and jowls. Facelifts start with incisions along the temple, ear, and lower hairline. Next, the skin is lifted, and the underlying tissue and muscle are strategically repositioned. The surgeon then tightens the skin, removes excess overlap, and closes the incisions. Facelifts often require downtime, and as much as 4-6 weeks of recovery before seeing final results.

A new you

Why choose a surgical facelift? The procedure can target concerns like no other. Sagging skin around the jawline, deep folds, and wrinkles seem to disappear. Facelifts are known to significantly reverse the perception of age, as patients can look 12 years younger. The procedure is also long-lasting, with benefits seen up to 10 years later. Furthermore, with mini-facelifts, patients can see fantastic results with minimally invasive techniques.

Which should you choose?

Can injectables provide age-defying results? Which one should patients choose? These are questions surgeons face daily. The results depend on the patient’s health, needs, facial structure, and budget. Younger patients with mild aging concerns can benefit from liquid facelifts. These patients will see excellent results and can delay the need for surgery. Older patients may require surgery to see more sweeping changes. Surgery also lasts much longer and is more cost-effective long-term. Both procedures have fantastic anti-aging benefits, but surgical facelifts may be the answer for more significant results.

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