28 Sep Minimize Scarring after Abdominoplasty
You love your new smooth, flat tummy thanks to your abdominoplasty procedure, but what you don’t love are the scars left behind. All surgeries require incisions which will eventually turn into scars. Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. John Park is extremely skilled at knowing where to place abdominoplasty incisions so most of them can be carefully hidden by clothing, even the tiniest of bikinis. However, depending on the extent of your abdominoplasty some may still be visible. The good news is, with proper care the scars can be visibly reduced, so they are barely noticeable. Here are a few tips on how you can minimize the appearance of your abdominoplasty scars.
Follow Dr. John Park’s Instructions
This is important to ensure your incisions heal safely and properly. Following your procedure, Dr. Park will send you home with instructions on how to care for your incisions, such as how to clean them and what medications to take to aid in healing. Follow instructions to prevent infections or any other possible complications.
Use Topical Creams When Permitted
Once your incisions have healed, it’s usually safe to apply topical creams and moisturizers, but you should still consult Dr. Park before applying any ointments. Moisturizers will help keep the skin soft and supple. Silicone-based products have been proven to prevent the widening and thickening of scars and are usually available in the form of ointments or gel-sheeting. You should avoid any lotions with Vitamin E for at least the first-month post-op as it has demonstrated to worsen the appearance of scars.
Quit Smoking
Aside from the obvious reasons why you should quit smoking, lighting up after abdominoplasty puts you at an increased risk for complications. Smoking slows down your body’s healing process as it constricts blood vessels and limits circulation. By refraining from smoking, you increase blood oxygen levels in the healing tissues.
Avoid Sun Exposure
UV exposure can cause your scars to darken and thicken making them more noticeable. Try to avoid exposing your incisional sites to the sun for several months following your abdominoplasty. You should always use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater and wear protective clothing to cover your scars.
Love Your Abdominoplasty Results from John Park MD Plastic Surgery
If you’re considering abdominoplasty but are concerned about possible scarring, don’t be. With Dr. Park’s skill and proper wound care, you can easily minimize scars. Contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation and learn about the amazing results you can achieve from abdominoplasty. Call us today at (949) 777-6883.