24 Jul Ditch the Scale and Look in the Mirror for Abdominoplasty Results
Having children and losing that extra weight you’ve been carrying for so long are great life achievements; however, both events can take a toll on your body. Pregnancy and weight loss often leave behind excess skin and fat that simply won’t budge regardless of how hard you work to lose it. That’s when you need turn to Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. John Park for help. He offers abdominoplasty to help rid you of the loose, extra skin to give you the contoured core you desire.
Lose Inches Not Pounds
Abdominoplasty is not a procedure for women looking to shed pounds. Many believe that they will be able to lose weight via a tummy tuck; however, it’s not a weight loss measure but rather a body contouring procedure.
Abdominoplasty may ultimately help the scale to drop a few pounds, but it’s designed for patients who have already achieved major weight loss. Abdominoplasty removes extra skin that has lost its elasticity and has become loose as well as tightens weakened abdominal muscles. On average, abdominoplasty helps women lose around five pounds as a result of removing the extra loose skin. The real visual results, however, happen around the waist in a loss of inches. Abdominoplasty produces dramatic “weight loss” by eliminating inches from around the waist. This can result in women dropping dress sizes and appearing thinner.
Maintain Results for Continued “Weight Loss”
Following abdominoplasty, women are often so pleased with the contouring results that they become inspired to maintain their results by adopting a healthy lifestyle. They begin eating better and exercising regularly which only further enhances not only their figure but also their “weight loss” efforts. This is why there is the misconception that abdominoplasty causes patients to lose weight. It’s the effects of the procedure, not the procedure itself, that is responsible for the pounds shed.
Shape Your Waist With Abdominoplasty From John Park MD Plastic Surgery
If you have excess skin that is preventing you from showing off your curved waistline, consider abdominoplasty performed by Dr. John Park. Abdominoplasty will contour your midsection giving you the flat, cinched waist you have worked so hard to show off. You’ve done the hard work, now enjoy the results. Contact John Park MD Plastic Surgery at (949) 777-6883 to set up your abdominoplasty consultation and get inspired to continue on with your weight loss efforts with a healthy lifestyle.