26 Sep Tighten Ab Muscles with a Tummy Tuck
Tummy tucks are an important part of a mommy makeover, and are also an in-demand procedure by themselves, but did you know they can also strengthen your ab muscles? At John Park MD Plastic Surgery, patients can look and feel their best with the procedure that offers several benefits.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that since 2000, tummy tucks in the US have increased 87 percent—a lot of men and women alike are realizing the benefits. It’s the cosmetic procedure that offers aesthetic and medical benefits and might be just what you’ve been looking for.
Why People Turn To Tummy Tucks
Anyone’s stomach muscles can get a little weak, and while planks and crunches can help, a tummy tuck can strengthen your abs quickly and safely. Weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and lifestyles can all contribute to muscles that aren’t quite as strong as they used to be but don’t worry. During a tummy tuck, ab muscles are tightened while excess skin is removed. The result isn’t just the taut, toned tummy you deserve, but a solid core as well.
Other Benefits Of A Tummy Tuck
Many patients report that their posture has also significantly improved after a tummy tuck. Weak ab muscles are linked to lordosis, which can cause a swayed back. However, when abs are strong, they can support your posture and even help relieve back pain. Since nearly all American adults experience some sort of back pain in their lives, a tummy tuck can make a big difference in comfort.
A tummy tuck is a procedure that offers beautiful, dramatic results. Both men and women may be great candidates for a tummy tuck, and the incision scars are thin and easily hidden below the beltline. Liposuction is usually coupled with a tummy tuck to ensure you get the flat tummy you want along with a big boost in confidence.
Ready To Feel More Confident With A Tummy Tuck?
When considering a tummy tuck, it’s important to find a skilled plastic surgeon that you trust. From your consultation to your tummy tuck recovery period, you deserve to have only the best-taking care of you. Start your journey today and call John Park MD Plastic Surgery at (949) 777-6883 to schedule your consultation.