12 Dec Can a Tummy Tuck Get Rid of Stretch Marks?
A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure that removes excess loose skin and fatty deposits in an effort to firm and tighten the abdomen. A tummy tuck at John Park MD Plastic Surgery is often combined with other cosmetic procedures as part of a mommy makeover plan. Since many of these patients undergoing a tummy tuck are mothers and have gone through the pregnancy process, it isn’t uncommon for them to want to address stretch marks along their torso as well. Depending on the extent of skin and fat removed and the exact location of it, a tummy tuck may be able to rid your midsection of those unsightly visuals.
Tummy Tucks Can Remove Not Correct Stretch Mark
During a tummy tuck, an incision is made from hip bone to hip bone, and excess skin below the navel is removed. With that being said, if you have stretch marks located on the skin located under your belly button, there is a good possibility that it can be removed when the extra skin is excised. However, stretch marks that are found above the belly button cannot be removed or corrected. What does happen though, is that the skin above the navel is lifted and pulled taut before being suturing shut. This may help to lessen the appearance of possible stretch marks. Often, liposuction is combined with a tummy tuck; and it’s important to note that lipo cannot correct stretch marks either.
Prevent Future Stretch Marks By Maintaining Tummy Tuck Results
Anytime skin is overstretched, you run the risk of developing a stretch mark. Following a tummy tuck, it is imperative that you follow a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis to maintain your results and avoid future weight gain. If you end up gaining weight, you not only risk altering your results, but you run the risk of developing additional stretch marks. It is also wise to avoid direct UV exposure without sunscreen as the sun can darken your surgical scars along with your stretch marks.
If you want a slimmer and more sculpted physique, a tummy tuck can help while also removing any stretch marks below the navel. Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. John Park encourages you to schedule a consultation at John Park MD Plastic Surgery to learn more about tummy tucks and stretch mark removal. If a tummy tuck can’t help you rid your belly of stretch marks, you may qualify for one of our skin care treatments that can treat a variety of skin flaws including stretch marks. Contact us today! Call (949) 777-6883.