08 Sep Losing The Loose Skin…What Are My Options?
Plastic Surgery is an area of medicine with many options. For each problem, generally speaking, there is a specific solution to that problem. For many women in the throes of a post pregnancy body, a mommy makeover is the ticket to success.
A mommy makeover usually involves a tummy tuck and breast lift or breast augmentation, and these procedures remove the loose skin in the areas that most women are concerned with both after baby and as age creeps up. Many woman of today are not waiting the years they used to, to get some help with losing the baby weight and excess skin which diet and exercise rarely take care of. After their last child, they are heading to the plastic surgeon for some help.
Loose skin is also a big problem after significant weight loss. You have worked so hard to lose the weight and now the “loose skin” remains. There are options for those who are facing these issues.
Arm Lifts
The arm region is such a common area for sagging skin, even without weight loss, women are plagued with the flabby underarm sag. An arm lift procedure removes the excess skin and fat deposits and the arm is then contoured and skin is sutured together.
Thigh Lifts
The thighs are usually the hardest part to thin down after weight loss. It seems impossible to achieve a smooth well contoured thigh. A thigh lift will help reshape the upper thigh area. You and your surgeon will discuss whether an inner thigh lift or bilateral thigh lift is best for your situation.
Body Lift
Generally, a body lift procedure is for those who have had massive weight loss. It involves the abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs and in most cases requires an incision that is circumferential. Many women elect to also add the arm lift and breast lift to this procedure.
It becomes clear that there are truly many, many options out there for problems that you are facing. From the common “mommy makeover” to a quite involved body lift, there are many safe and rewarding procedures to offer you the results you are looking for.
Weight Loss Surgery Consultation | Dr. John Park
If you are considering one of the procedures described above because excess skin makes you feel self- conscious and are ready to consult with a well-trained, certified plastic surgeon, contact Dr. John Park today for a solution to your problem.